自己紹介 / About me

イギリスに移住した経緯・略歴 / Why I moved to the UK


  • 大学でエジンバラ大学に交換留学
  • 修士号をロンドン大学で取得
  • ウェールズ出身の今の主人と結婚
  • イギリスの企業に就職

The love for the UK started from my home stay experience in Cotswolds when I was 16 years old. The reason I chose the UK in the first place? That’s of course because I love Harry Potter. Since I graduated from high school, I’ve always found ways to somehow stay connected to the country by doing an exchange year in Edinburgh or doing Master’s in London. I permanently moved here when I got married to my Welsh husband and found a job in the UK.

ブログで伝えたいこと / What I’d like to write in this blog

  • イギリス・ウェールズの生活について
  • 翻訳業界・ゲーム業界に関して
  • 海外での子育て
  • 副業に関して
  • About my life in Wales
  • About the localization and gaming industry
  • Motherhood in the UK
  • About my side hassles

専門知識 / My expertise


I specialise in languages (i.e English and Japanese). I studied English Literature in uni, and did MA in Linguistics at UCL. I’ve been translating for over 10 years. My specialty is creative translation/ transcreation for advertisement or video games.

今後の目標 / My goals


My end goal at the moment is to start a not-for-profit nursery that provides an affordable service to working mum/dad in the UK. I have a few side hassles to help with my endeavour. I will be tracking the progress in this blog.
